Kempston Exotics
Home Page

price list of our tarantulas

price list of scorpions

Price List of our invertebrates

Live-Frozen foods

Rescue page

Contact Us



Welcome to the Kempston Exotics Website for our exotic pets


We are Breeders & Keepers of Exotic pets.

Please feel free to browse through the site and see what you think.  See what we keep or simply have a look through to see what we have for sale at the moment,im sure you will find somthing your looking for or what we dont have im sure we can help in some way with exotic pets or equipment. We are also breeders of some aviary birds and young are ready during the warmer months.


Thank you for Visiting us, we hope you enjoy your visit.


I am willing to take in any tarantulas,scorpions and other invertabrates that are no longer wanted,we also buy in stock so please email or ring with what you have

The telephone Number Can be found On the Contact me page.



School Visits

We have often been asked by local schools to bring in some spiders and snakes and its good fun to educate people what these animals are really like rather than what they see on tv,i find kids love it and its the teachers and parents that have the bigger problem dealing with them !! as you can see in the photo my son liam with his own tarantula (kylie)


If you would like us to visit your school then mail me below, and Ill see if I can arrange it, there is no cost !!



Mail Me

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